Tekad Nayyif

Posted by rhadika | 6:58 AM | 0 comments »

Tekad Nayyif Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Nama saya Nayyif Saputra. Orang-orang sering memanggil saya Nayyif. Saya terlahir dari keluarga yang sederhana. Setiap harinya bapak dan ibu saya menggarap rezeki dengan berjualan di pasar. Dari hasil berjualan itulah sehingga saya bisa bersekolah seperti sekarang. Untung saja biaya untuk sekolah di SMU saya belum mahal. Jadi saya bisa sekolah dengan tenang, tetapi walaupun begitu masih ada juga yang mengganjal hati saya, karena sebentar lagi saya akan lulus dari SMU dan berlanjut ke perguruan tinggi. Tapi mungkin berlanjut ke perguruan tinggi itu hanya kemungkinan kecil saja, jika orang tua tak punya biaya, maka dengan hati yang ikhlas saya akan berhenti hingga SMU saja.
“Bu, boleh gak Nayyif lanjutin sekolah Nayyif setelah SMU ini? Tapi kalau ibu nggak izinin juga gak papa kok bu’, Nayyif ngerti.” Tanya saya dengan wajah sedikit lesu.
“Hmm. Ibu’ bukannya gak izinin Yif, tapi… kondisi ekonomi kita nggak memungkinkan. Ibu’ seneng kalo kamu bisa sekolah lebih tinggi, ibu seneng sekali, tapi… ya udahlah nggak usah di pikirin dulu. Nanti kalo ibu’ sama bapak punya ua
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Wiro Sableng #150 : Misteri Pedang Naga Merah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito

Episode : DADU SETAN

JUMENA prajurit Kadipaten Losari yang tengah tertidur pulas tak jauh dari pintu gerbang timur, tenggelam dalam mimpi aneh. Dalam mimpi dia melihat dua orang lelaki berkepala sangat besar mendaki keluar dari sebuah jurang yang mengepulkan kabut kelabu. Lelaki pertama seorang kakek bungkuk bertongkat kayu dan bercaping hijau, menaiki jurang sambil memegang lengan lelaki muda di belakangnya. Padahal lelaki muda inilah yang seharusnya menuntun si kakek naik ke atas jurang. Setiap dia menarik nafas panjang, caping hijau di atas kepala si kakek naik ke atas sampai satu jengkal lalu turun lagi. Waktu caping naik ke atas kelihatan kepala si kakek yang luar biasa besar.
Kabut tipis sesaat lenyap. Sekilas dalam mimpinya Jumena melihat wajah orang di belakang kakek bercaping. Prajurit ini tersentak dari mimpi dan terbangun duduk. Mukanya keringatan padahal saat itu dia berada di udara terbuka dan malam hari pula. Dia mengenali wajah itu. Tapi mengapa kepalanya berubah besar?

"Ini kali kedua aku mengimpikan Raden Rayi Jantra dan kakek bercaping itu.
... baca selengkapnya di Wiro Sableng #150 : Misteri Pedang Naga Merah Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Demi Masa

Posted by rhadika | 7:39 AM | 0 comments »

Demi Masa Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Kini aku berdiri di depan gedung yang tinggi, disini lah nantinya aku akan menyandarkan mimpi ku, ya di sebuah sekolah, kampus namanya. usiaku memang sudah 19 tahun, tapi aku baru bisa kuliah, semuanya karena kondisi keuangan yang terpuruk 2 tahun ini dan juga mata hati ku belum terbuka untuk berfikir maju dan terbuka.

Nama ku Vian Ananta panggil saja aku vian, aku anak baru di kampus ini sama seperti teman-teman ku yang lain, entah bagaimana caranya aku bisa masuk di universitas ini, tapi aku yakin aku mampu untuk bersaing.

Pruittt, suara peluit terdengar, itu dari kakak tingkat ku, entah dengan sebuatan apa aku memanggilnya, kakak atau panggil nama. Mereka masih seumuran dengan ku. Kami dibariskan di lapangan nama kami dipanggil satu persatu menuju kelompoknya masing-masing kami di suruh duduk di bawah pohon rindang, kami maju satu persatu memperkenalkan diri dan ditanya banyak hal setiap anak berbeda pertanyaan, aku giliran yang terakhir aku maju ke depan memperkenalkan diri
“nama saya vian ananta panggil saja saya vian hobi saya tersen
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By Bob Pardue

The audio books market has taken a turn recently toward audio books for iPods. With iPod products becoming so popular, many audio book companies are realizing the tremendous opportunity of using iPods to store and distribute audio books.

Let's take a look at how this works along with some pros and cons of developing audio books for iPods.

How do iPods Work for Audio Books?

Audio books are simply books that are spoken and then stored on an audio cassette tape or compact disk (CD). Those who lack the time or ability to read books often find audio books to be very enjoyable.

Children enjoy listening to their stories read aloud by audio book. They make great baby-sitters in the car while taking long family trips. Also, those traveling alone can enjoy a good book while driving. It's a great way to read without actually "reading!"

The iPod Stampede

Electronics consumers have been rushing out to get the latest technology called "iPods." Why? Because iPods have revolutionized the way audio is stored. Ipods are smaller than CD players, but can hold far more audio data.

Consumers can store their favorite music from many CDs onto one iPod unit. This saves time and storage space!

iPod owners can take their music or book on iPod with them wherever they go. Whether it's in the car, while taking a walk or bike ride, hiking, boating, etc. The possibilities are endless.

Pros of Creating Audio Books for iPods

There are many pros of creating audio books for iPods such as making more than one book available on one iPod player, providing an easy way to read books for those with a busy time schedule, and allowing children to listen to their favorite stories.

Many libraries are now offering iPod audio books on rental as they become more popular. This will save space and reduce maintenance costs. Books on tape usually require many tapes for one book. Books on CD reduced this to several CDs. With iPods, and entire book can fit into one file.

Another advantage is audio book files can be downloaded online from any computer. Public domain books are usually available at no charge.

Cons of Creating Audio Books for iPods

Though iPods can certainly make life easier for bookworms and music lovers there are a few disadvantages to creating audio books for iPods. iPods are still fairly new.

With any new technology, there will be many changes and "improvements" over the years to help quality, add features, increase memory, etc. iPods are still fairly expensive. Each year will offer new iPod technology that's better than the year before. So, consumers should be prepared to spend more dollars on new improved iPods to stay ahead.

Another disadvantage is that not all books are available for iPod just yet. So, it might be difficult to find some audio books.

To sum it up, audio books for iPods can provide great entertainment for those who love to read. And, as they become more popular, iPods will likely become more affordable for everyone.

Bob Pardue is the owner of Music Playground. Have some fun and learn to read music FREE by visiting http://www.largemart.com/read-music today...

By Daniel Dwase

iPod compatibility on the original iPod was designed for use with Macintosh computers running Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X but Apple began selling a Windows-compatible iPod too on July 17, 2002. Apple released a Windows version of iTunes on October 16, 2003; previously, Windows users needed third-party
software such as Musicmatch Jukebox (included with Windows iPods before the release of the Windows version of iTunes), ephPod, or XPlay to manage the music on their iPods.

iPods originally shipped formatted with Apple's native filesystem, HFS Plus (Hierarchical File System) and consequently would only work with Apple's Mac OS because Windows does not support HFS Plus. An iPod formatted with HFS Plus is able to serve as a boot disk for a Macintosh computer, allowing one to have a usable, portable operating system installed on their iPod.

With the advent of the windows-compatible iPod, Apple switched iPod's default file system to FAT32 because FAT32 is the only file system that can be used natively with both Mac OS and Windows. Fourth-generation and earlier iPods could still be made to boot a Macintosh by reformatting their hard disks with HFS Plus.

The iPodLinux project has successfully ported an ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) version of the Linux kernel to run on iPods. It currently supports first through third generation iPods, and features simple installers for Mac OS X and Windows. The Linux interface is known as "Podzilla".

The interface will run on all iPods, however the development team does not support its usage. The iPod uses standard USB and FireWire mass-storage connectivity, and therefore any system with mass-storage support can mount it and use it as an external hard drive. The iPod will also charge from any powered USB or Firewire port, regardless of software support.

Here is a link in reference to this article iPod Compatibility

Daniel Dwase is the webmaster and editor of http://www.best-ipod-online a website that provides reviews and buyers guide of iPod Video, Nano, Shuffle and cheap iPod accessories and http://www.ipod-insider.blogspot.com a blog that provides the latest news from Apple Computers about iPods.

By Mircea Cojocaru

All over the world, people carry with them walkmans and other music devices so that they can play their favorite music as they move around from place to place. The latest thing in the portable music devices field is the iPod, which offers a higher quality of the music being played and one of the most compact design out there.

The iPod allows you to play your music for an very long time (up to 12 hours for most of them) and have a huge amount of storage (some have 30GB). You can store thousands songs within a standard iPod and have instant access to them wherever you are at the moment. This makes them the perfect choice for your nowadays music necessities.

With iPods, transferring music from a CD takes less than 5 seconds, assuming that you use the FireWire and USB 2.0 support and can be transferred in a rather wide variety of formats, such as MP3, WMA, or AAC. With the iPods, users have the ability of importing songs from CDs, shuffling through songs, or choosing specific playlists, to name just a few of the iPods' features.

iPods are also equipped with a calendar, contact lists, notes and a musical alarm clock, which makes them more than just a portable music device, along with their huge storage capability. With them, you can take your files anywhere at any time, use memos as reminders and even record whatever you want with their microphone option.

iPods come with a wide variety of language support for languages like English, Italian, German etc. and models, such as iPod mini, iPod, iPod Special Edition and iPod Photo, each with its own storage capability (4GB for the iPods mini to 30GB for iPods Photo).

In addition to the device itself, a wide line of accessories are available for iPods, such as camera connector, power adapter, auto charger, car holder, voice recorder and many more.

In conclusion, with their high quality of the music being played, high storage capability, high transfer speed and all their functions, the iPods make the perfect choice if you are a music addict or just need a portable storage device.

Get a Free mini Ipod now. For a cheap ipod just visit us at http://www.ukipodmini4free.com

By Carly Charu

Music is intrinsic in each of us. We are swayed by the sounds of music every time we listen to any of our favorite songs. And in today's context of stiff competition and the tendency to outdo one another in every field, music also acts as a great stress buster. As a natural corollary, mobile music options as offered by the latest gadgets are in great demand. One can use these sophisticated gadgets to relax and de-stress after a long day's of work, even when one is on the move. Mobile phones with advanced music options as well as iPods are some of the most popular and widely bought gadgets. Apple iPods, with their great looks and impressive features score quite high in this context.

Since the day it was launched, the iPod from Apple has given the digital music player stiff competition.

Apple iPod with their varied models and features have made the consumers sit up and take notice. For one, the minute size and versatility in features have been responsible for the enhanced popularity of Apple iPods. The Apple iPod nano can be cited as a case in point. As is evident from the name, the Apple iPod nano is quite small when it comes to its size. With a mini size and color display and sufficient storage capacity, the Apple iPod nano is one of the more popular of Apple iPods.

The Apple iPod nano is very small and light. The gadget is designed aesthetically and is an example of engineering brilliance. One can easily carry this Apple iPod in the pocket of one's jeans. Ipod nano comes with several accessories; headphones, a dock adapter and a USB cable are some among them.

The sound quality of Apple iPods are rather good; which explains the popularity that these gadgets enjoy. Some of the more popular Apple iPods are Apple iPod nano; iPod Shuffle; and the Apple iPod color line. These and other iPods definitely making an impression on tech-savvy music lovers the world over. Then there are the third generation (3G) iPods which are an improvement over the first and second generation of Apple iPod.

Carly charu is an expert author and the webmaster of Mobile Phone Deals The website having details of Sim Free Mobile Phones

Apple iPod